
So my GM sent me this after a stressful dinner rush at work and the shop being underprepared. I only started 3 weeks ago. How do I reply to this and is this a good or a bad thing? Also one of the shift leads quit last night


A Change In Perspective


I started a new job that is worse than old job: please help?

Hey, you all orobably know me from my posts on my previous toxic job. Well, about that… I got a new job and kind of ignored a lot of red flags because I was desperate to escape abuse and poor benefits. So that’s my fault. Basically, on my first day of work this job was discussing how much they hate unions and want to release an attack ad on a certain Union. I literally ran to the bathroom and hysterically cried. So against my values. Basically I feel like an idiot for not holding out longer. I have a third round interview with a place I turned down after I accepted this one and they still want to talk to me. But if I don’t get that, idk what to do. It says 7 months at abusive job on my resume, and then what? Do I apply for jobs and…


boss called my dr when i was 17 when i tested positive for covid


was exposed to covid and sick this morning and my boss’ response was not it.


Judged for working part time?

Probably the wrong sub for this, but didn't know where else to rant tbh. Does anybody else get judged for working part time? Or atleast feel like they are being judged? I'm 30/M. Single, so I've been dating etc as of late, ofcourse the usual question comes about work, I tell them what I do and what hrs I work and before I can even finish explaining it's “Why don't you work full time?” “Ha is THAT really the amount of hours you do?” “Do you not feel lazy?” “How do you afford to live?” “I don't know how you can work so little” “Why don't you ask for more hrs?” Are all comments I've received from either family or strangers on the interwebz. Just a rant I wanted to get off my chest, please delete if not allowed.


How common is it for restaurant bosses to be rude?

I'm 22M and just got out of the army and just started working for the first time in a long time. I first got a job at some fancy restaurant as a waiter and got fired after a week (which I admit I suppose it's my fault since I didn't learn the menu) but the bosses were kind of rude and distant. Now I got another job as a waiter in a chain coffee place/restaurant and the mangers are very rude often calling me an idiot and in general just being kind of mean… (since we have an ear piece at all times I'm constantly hearing yelling in one ear) which is making me want to quit. I admit I'm not the brightest or swiftest and I often look like I don't care (which is just how my face looks…..) I understand that this could annoy some people but idk.…


Worker Oppression – Oklahoma Style!

List of values that employees are expected to live by at my local Christian gym in good ol’ Oklahoma


I just lost my cat and informed my supervisor at my minimum wage part time job I wouldn’t be into work tomorrow. This was their response. I have never been as angry as I am right now.


What policy would make life better for Americans? (From Wages, healthcare, child care etc)