That’s it. That’s the post.
thank you notes
Remember when you were expected to send a thank you note after an interview? I never have but I was told to do it in highschool. They also said to put your interests on your resume. They said one kid got a job because they did hockey and the hiring manager liked hockey. At least I think he got a job, he was at least called in for an interview.
I’m sick of seeing minimum wage on jobs.
I'm in NYC where the minimum wage is 15. I make minimum wage. I've been recommended jobs to look into. And I am looking at them from fast food to office administration. The food and gym pay 15. I graduated college years ago. I went to check the careers page. They pay their janitors 15 dollars an hour. I'm seeing 19 dollars an hour for administration jobs. I have worked at the front desk of a hotel, minimum wage. The housekeepers made minimum wage. The old-fashioned 40,000 a few years ago, before the housing crisis is now worth 59,000 dollars today. That is 28 dollars an hour if wages were kept up with inflation. The administration jobs that would have been 40,000 way back even before the housing crisis should be exponentially higher now. I am happy my friends are making money and able to job-hop to a higher salary.…
No Ticket = No Work!
Every Request Needs a Ticket? Understood. A few years ago I was an I.T. Analyst for an aerospace company in Toronto. There were three sites, and one analyst for each site. I was barely able to keep up with the workload for my site but managed. One day I found out that one analyst had given a month notice and had already quit. The company did not replace him. I had to drive daily between cities to manage both sites. Shortly after, my boss was let go. And I was given a new boss who lived in another country. The work piled up, and several employees at a time would have non-working computers because there was nobody to help them. I had to stop supporting projects that I was involved in with other managers, like getting 20 computers for the factory floor. This was definitely going to blow up, and…
At the beginning of the year the owner mentioned the handbook was updated so we should sign off on the new change. I reread the handbook and noticed something I didn't the first time- a 15m break in the afternoon is automatically deducted from the time clock. I manually added up my timecard and sure as shit- it's short 15 minutes every day. Literally no one in my workplace takes an afternoon break. It's a busy job and interrupting the flow to take a break that short would be more annoying than it would be worth for most folks. I know it seems nitpicky, but that's over an hour of unpaid time every week. Does anyone know if this is legal?