
I found out what “competitive pay” means XD

I always thought competitive pay meant that they were one of the better paying jobs in the industry. Sadly while that may be the implied meaning, the meaning I came up with this morning is that you have to compete with your bosses, supervisors, HR, and basically everyone in charge of wages/raises in order to get the pay that you deserve. Thank you for listening to my TEDTalk.


California Labor Code Section 2 0 2


hello everyone

i follow the walgreens store sub, bc this place is terrible im not going to like to you. and it was really nice to see other people with the same problems, circumstances or even funny situations as me. yesterday, i bit the bullet and made a post about the incessant micromanagement at my store over trivial things (such a dress code, headphones, books). despite the fact people (myself included) have complained about mistreatment and harassment from our peers and customers. so for me, if im constantly being shirked and my needs aren’t taken into consideration i will not care as much as i used to (in life and work) because i used to go above and beyond and honestly it hasn’t done me any good considering how much my pleas and requests have been ignored by the SM now this isn’t to say i don’t do anything, just last night…


My job trying to work around laws regarding audio surveillance by making everyone sign an agreement.

I attempted to discuss this with management, i was told i was being ridiculous and everyone has sign it already. In Victoria, Australia, all audio recordings must be agreed for use by all parties, every time thery are used. This agreement would allow them to record at any time, without notice.


I hope that everyone realizes sooner rather than later how truly deeply immoral wage labor inherently is, that’s it.


Happy 2023


i was told we were not working the night shift on the 31st, trainer lied

got told we were were not working on the 31st and have proof. when i checked my app at 6 am on Saturday a shift was not listed for me, just checked it and bam! there's and there is a shift i missed. god i hate when other people fuck up and i have to take the consequences of it, but this time i have proof so I'm not taking the hit for this.


We just make the system run, money pass by our accounts by never stay


Is it me, or are middle-aged white women the worst types of Karens?

It's like they're trying to imbue you with they're mid-life crisis and try to flex their vague sense of superiority in management roles.


That is a response from the Capitalist Society