Is anyone else taking early retirement aka realizing that you’ll be working for the rest of your life so there isn’t any point in spending your life working hard for some imagined retirement? It just makes more sense to me, if you don’t have kids, to keep your expenses low and work part-time so you can enjoy life while you can. And also work on all of the things you care about that don’t make any money.
My boss missed my resignation letter
I emailed my boss my resignation letter over the weekend. She hasnt mentioned it at all this week which makes me think she hasnt read it. Its a tiny company so Im pretty sure she would be freaking out if she knew I was quitting. They fired someone on Friday and it was understaffed before that. My boss has been unbearable this week. Passive aggressive comments that are bullying as far as Im concerned, trying to guilt me for taking breaks (within policy). Im just waiting for her to approve a time off request (submitted before two weeks notice) before saying “Oh by the way did you get my resignation letter?”
promotion criteria is a 4/5 out of 5. lol i hate my life and immediately cried for 20 minutes straight after getting off the call even though my manager and his manager both said that they have literally zero complaints and this was a glowing review. this was also the first time in my entire career that i’ve ever given myself above a 3 (i gave myself a 4) for the self-review. i’ve been in this role for 16 months now and gone through various reorgs, had three separate managers, and no one has ever had anything negative to say about my work. i’m just feeling so defeated and depressed lol and my adhd rejection sensitivity dysphoria is not helping the situation.
While that is certainly the better option than quitting. Posting here because it's a bit of a common comment on this subreddit. I'm currently in the process of trying to draw unemployment. Something to note about this though. I am not unemployed. I am on medical leave and this was the only option I was given to have some sort of income during that time (according to them, I do not qualify for temporary disability). Unemployment will do everything they possibly can to make sure you don't get any benefits. For me, it all started with the first phone call. I could not get any clear answer to any question. They tell me I have to continue to search for full time employment. But why? I'm not unemployed. And I'm disabled, I'm on medical leave for a reason, because I can't work. I keep trying to clarify why this is…
The Time Onward From 1978!
It’s not like it’s some prestigious job it’s retail 🤣
Teachers don’t deserve lunch breaks?
In some ways I’m living what many would consider the dream. Former teacher turned stay at home mom of an elementary schooler and high schooler. I know I’m fortunate to not have to work and I feel in my position it’s my duty to give back so I volunteer at my kids schools as much as possible. I answer phones, make copies, work in the library, chaperone and carpool school events, whatever is needed. I have noticed a definite shift in the way I am treated post COVID. I have definitely been given and offered duties such as attendance, lunch monitor, and crossing guard which previously would have been paid positions. I understand the public school infrastructure is struggling and I really don’t mind doing extra when I can. Hopefully the less money goes to things I can do the more can go to teacher salaries, materials for kiddos etc.What…