basically as the title states. I worked for a lady who owned a business 3 days a week and only worked 2 weeks before she fired me with no warning because I got sick (she was fucking insufferable!) She was paying me with checks and never gave me a agreement of employment or anything professional. Today 7 months later – she calls asking to get my social bc she has 1099 forms she’s filing. I DO NOT trust her because she’s disorganized. and i worked for a total of 6 days in june. will i get fined or in trouble if i don’t give it to her? i only made 600 total probably for those few days. any advice is appreciated. EDIT: I wanted to also ask – i read online if you don’t report the money the IRS will see that and delay your refund. I don’t want that…
I had brain surgery on dec 1 for chiari malformation and still have ongoing neurological issues. I also have a history of PTSD and anxiety and am covered in SH scars as well as a history of violent outbursts and breakdowns in the workplace (been abused by managers before). You guys think I'll get it?
Middle management reading list
A discussion question:
I’m trying to parse what could solve the issues companies have with incentives and work. And it occurs to me that the only reason retail and service jobs stink is that they require very little experience, and they are very easy to come by because of high turnover. What do you think would happen if they pricing structure was re ordered to mean that the most menial jobs now have a higher pay scale, and being a CEO of the company maybe…. Now pays a few million less per year. Would that be fair? Are there other concerns? Curious about people’s thoughts.
It actually makes me livid when I hear employers who live in a beautiful home, own two vehicles, frequently take trips to exotic countries and wear a different suit to work everyday complain about how they can't find staff to work their shitty establishment. Maybe people are sick of being exploited for minimum wage, sick of staying later than they wanted, sick of having holidays denied several months in advance and sick of the bullshit that they have to put up within a hospitality job.
I’ve never felt this lost before.
I worked at a company for their bottom starting wage, with the promise of a position change when it opened up when we started a new shift. New shift starts and someone else gets it that has no experience. I have 2years of votech training and 5 years of welding. I finally had enough of being underutilized, underpaid, and driving an hour one way every morning. So I quit. Now I’m at the point where I don’t know what to do anymore. I have zero drive. After working manufacturing, and being out during covid working as a hotshot driver, I have nothing left. Doordash is what is keeping us afloat at the moment. But for the first time in my adult life I feel so free. I can enjoy staying at home and being with my kids. Something that working nights and being on the road for so many years…
Hospital cutting hours
I work in Healthcare, where theres been a Dr./Nurse shortage since before the pandemic. During and after the pandemic we hemorrhaged some of our best and most experienced clinical staff because they were just over it all, I know this happened all across the country. We are consistently short staffed and stressed about how to cope with the high volume of patients with the staff we currently have. Recently our executive team announced in an effort to cut costs, people will now be getting their hours cut. Which essentially means floors who are already stretched thin with 5 floor nurses will probably only have 3-4 on any given day because they implemented a “no overtime” policy. I’ve being hearing worried murmurs all over the Hospital because all these 20-30 year olds have young families to support, are already essentially getting paid the bare minimum to work in the field, and…
i have ADA accommodations to have 2 additional unpaid 15 min breaks and to leave early up to 2 times per month. when i would leave early, it would seriously be my last resort, like i’m going to die type last resort. i did not know that they were going to take from my PTO whenever i would use the accommodation:( maybe i should have clarified and knew exactly what was happening but this is my first job ever and i’m just not very experienced. i had also called in sick the day after a holiday and was forced to give up my pto to over the holiday. (policy says if you call in sick before and after a holiday they take away holiday pay) i asked for a pay deduction instead but they declined. i just kinda feel like i’m being punished for trying to save my life?i’m sorry…
So, I'm a Navy veteran working at a fast food restaurant in Florida. It's been humbling, but due to the need for money in the middle of a pandemic and economic depression, I've put up with it. I've applied to hundreds of jobs and somehow got stuck. My issue is that I've always requested Saturdays off. It's a personal request because, as a Seventh Day Adventist, I believe that Saturday is the Sabbath, so I try to have that day off. At my last job, I must have called off over a hundred times in my 3 years there, so I wanted to reinvent myself and establish my boundaries quickly so that I wouldn't have those issues again. Let me also say that I'm not perfect. While I'm a Christian, I don't talk about religion or politics at work. The world is too divisive, so I chose to omit my…