
Macroeconomic Changes Have Made It Impossible for Me to Want to Pay You by Mike Lacher


Probably pretty applicable here, thought it was funny.


Just doing a 100k+/year, full time, and skill required side hustle… my real job is crying myself to sleep in this nightmare


21% inflation in my country yet boss won’t even give us 21% raise to get back to 0% loss of income

I guess I'll just start taking work 21% less seriously. Take my time, go on extra long toilet breaks, nice and easy, get a lot of coffee breaks till they fire me. The audacity. This wouldn't even be a raise because it'd just get me back my original income, you feel me?


Just got a raise, beyond expectation, above and beyond with leadership, team, and customers. 4% raise.

As the title says. For context if you met 75% of your goals and just that you get a 3% raise. If you do the bare minimum you get 3%. If you work your butt off you get 4%, in my case 90 cents or 75 bucks extra a month. This may sound like a lot or very little to who hears it but with the financial traps the world and I myself put me in, it's not enough obviously. I am to blame on some of my spending are we not all? I have a debt to pay off school, I took out loans to get a car because if you didn't have one where I was from originally then you wouldn't have a job nor anything for that matter. We all have our own pitfalls to maneuver around in our own environments that we cannot always come out…


Just want to shoutout CaptionCall for being such a garbage company

Just laid off nearly 200 of us (maybe more) with no notice. Fuck us and our lives and our bills I guess?


Husband was told this when negotiating an offer

My husband received a lowball offer and negotiated 10 percent higher. A day later the recruiter said: “I'm still working on getting an answer to your question, but I was going over my notes and when I told you the salary range was xxxxxx you mentioned that it was fine with you I was wondering if anything changed” Now he’s worried they’re going to rescind his offer. This man has been put through almost 15 companies multiple process interviews. And people wonder why American employees are so afraid of losing their jobs or retaliation? For asking a question you have every right to? Employees are basically slaves who have to keep their mouths shut or risk losing a job. This is why I almost never give my toxic boss feedback.


My boss’ take on the current standard of living crisis.

Today at lunch one of my coworkers mentioned how overwhelming it feels to watch the news these days and how bleak and concerning the future seems to be. That it's the first time in years when she feels hopeless and dejected. My boss insisted that we live in the best times ever and that we have so much abundance that life can't possibly be harsh nowadays. I mentioned that wages have been stagnant or barely increasing while prices and the cost of living in general have gone up significantly, so our purchasing power is shit compared to what it was 20 or 30 years ago. His answer: When this happens, I just give myself a raise. Absolutely fuck this wretched system and the people who don't see a problem in it. This is the line of thinking of your average employer. They don't give a shit about how much you're…


NEW: Twitter abruptly fired dozens of janitors—mostly immigrants & women of color—with no warning or explanation. Workers received a text just before leaving work informing them they shouldn’t return. Just like Twitter’s mass layoffs earlier this year, it was likely illegal.


Got bored at work