
Most Mainers making average wages can’t afford a single-family home, study finds


Even with a bump to $14 an hour, Walmart workers won’t make nearly as much as some activists say they should


go make those cool bootstrap keychains!


Can my job do this?!? Please help me.

I had an injury that required surgery at the beginning of this month. My job allowed me to work from home as my doctor hadade plenty notes saying I can work from home and need to. I can’t drive. My HR team sent over an ADA form to my doctors office which is an accommodation reason which my doctors filled out and sent over. So today my HR team said they’re going to review it and let me know a decision. What’s that even mean? I can’t drive no matter what so what if they say no then what am I supposed to do?!? I’m so lost and really need help please.


Some more bullshit

Applied for job, 'urgently needed' and 'immediate start'. Offer received after interview around 15/11/22, been living like shit struggling to stay afloat self-employed after quitting a job 3 months ago, they're delaying it in every way possible and not lifting a pinky to speed things along. Why is this accepted???


Been employed here for 3 weeks.

So at first the convo was for hourly wages, they decided to change that to salary after hiring me. Okay whatever I thought. Now 3 weeks later instead of this salary being based on 40 hours like we originally spoke about he's saying it's 45. As well as he keeps adding things to my job description. He gets pissed if you don't do something the way HE wants you to do it. They leave shit for me to clean and fix and put away the next day. Well I apparently left 4 empty boxes outside the building yesterday and he was pissed, literally sent out an email to everyone I my department about it, adding other things in like the inventory is all screwed up. Let remind you I've been here for 3 WEEKS, that's it, how did I solely screw up inventory ? I come in early, I always…


Deploy Surplus Wealth to Make Life Dope as Fuck. Tax the Super Rich. Abolish Military Spending. Universal Basic Income. Health Care for All.


“Commitment Statements”

In a mandatory meeting that, of course took place on a regular day off of ours, our supervisors announced a new “Commitment Statement” that all of us must fill out and present to our employer. What a fuckin joke. They haven’t given us a raise in years. They pile on more responsibilities with every month that passes. They raise our parking fees and insurance premiums. And NOW they want us to write our Commitment Statements to them. Hmm. What a load of garbage.


Flathead County Montana is done “enabling” the “homeless lifestyle CHOICE” and says “homeless infrastructure attracts more homeless”.. wow.


You don’t have to give an employer a doctor’s note/reason for being sick. Don’t let them bully you

If you need a sick day inform your employer you are unable to perform your duties. Leave it at that. They do not deserve a reason or a doctors note. They cannot require you to get one for a day off work sick. I fucking hate how most employers think they have the right to decide if you're sick enough to warrant a day off. You're not a slave, or a drone (well to them you are, I'm saying in reality you aren't) Sick days can be anything. Even mental health days are fine. Your employer does not need to be given details. They aren't your parents or a doctor. They aren't your therapist. Just call in sick and turn your phone off. If they try anything like penalties or writing you up you can easily fight it.