
About To Be Laid Off

Any good tips for what to say/ask during the meeting? Tips on how to stop yourself from crying? Context: Tech company in California, ~350 people being laid off today.


Exceeding Expectations

TDIL that my company only allows 2 people per team to exceed expectations on their yearly reviews. The rest just meet expectations. To me that means there is zero incentive to work hard as the manager can just arbitrarily pick who they want. Because if 5 of 10 are exceding and all deserving equally, management gets to pick just 2. The rest get stiffed and a lower raise. Which is generally 1.5 to 3%. Edit: mind you this is on the heels of being told mandatory OT from now til end of april. And if you have vacation during that time your expected to make up the missed OT that week.


Tired A Lot

Does anyone else feel like work uses up all their social points for the day? Like I can barely interact with my boyfriend by the time I’m home. I’m just an introvert, I guess, but it’s really impacting my ability to have relationships.


Workism: “the idea is that work has become akin to a religious identity.”


The elephant in the room: Do boomers really think they’re going to sit back retire while we become indentured servants?

Part of the social contract with capitalism, at least post new deal, is the prospect of comfortable retirement. The massive issue we’re facing right now, which has been fueling private equity and corporate greed, is that we have the largest generation in history trying to retire, almost solely using 401k’s and dividend stocks, which directly suck the value of all of our labor. Giant pension funds get parked at hedge funds that exist by bankrupting and/or devaluing healthy companies that employ thousands. We’re at a point where capitalism has demanded so much growth that there’s effectively no way the younger generations can retire, while the older generation is completely dependent on siphoning value from the stock market and collecting rent as landlords. Which begs the question: what the hell am I doing this for? Why am I working myself ragged, fueling a machine that destroys not only our environments, but…


Someone at work passed away suddenly and the company put up an in memoriam graphic. But instead of putting the years he lived, they just put the years he worked here.

Just a friendly reminder that's all we are to them. That's all we'll ever be. I was already so sad about my co worker and friend now I'm sick to my stomach as well.


I’m quitting without notice

I work for a big corporation, with plenty of money to go around. Enough money to treat people like humans, and yet they choose not to. My leaders have told me I’m not “allowed” breaks, including bathroom breaks. I’m often going 8+ hrs without the bathroom or even a couple minutes to sit down and rest my feet. My body aches when I get home to the point I’m unable to care for things outside of work and I’m beginning to have bladder issues as a result of the no bathroom. The strenuous work has caused me to lose 20-30% of my body weight in a month (it’s enough to notice), because I don’t have time to eat on the job and am literally so drained at the end of the day I don’t have an appetite. I thought I desperately “needed” the money and I would just “put up…


Fed up with this employer ignoring me

On Friday I had an interview and it seemed very promising. They called me a half hour later but I didn't pick up. So they messaged me on indeed and asked me to call them back. I did twice, and the first time I left a voice mail. I messaged back on indeed and said I tried calling. I was told to expect a call in a short while. It didn't happen. Yesterday, Monday, I called again and was told I would be contacted that afternoon. Of course it didn't happen. This morning I yet again send a message on indeed, wondering what is going on. That was several hours ago and they still haven't replied, after being responsive on indeed up until now. I'm incredibly pissed off that I was asked to contact them and now I'm being ignored and ghosted with no explanation. On Friday I had immediately…


We need to form an interest group

The member of this group have to start forming an interest group, so they could before congress and lobby in the favor workers right.


My company didn’t hire me to do a job I have already been doing but still want me to continue the role until the new person starts – what do I do?