So I know we talk about act your age and quiet quitting, but do we “look our wage” enough? If you get paid $12, can you really afford to have your teeth fixed, hair groomed, afford nice business/casual clothes without any cheap materials? Like you can save all that plastic stuff for the people in Hollywood. But in the real world where we are paid minimum wage, I think we should start looking like minimum wage too. Most of us can’t even afford the health insurance for proper care anyway. I’m from a poorer area in the US too so I think it’s valid. What do you guys think? ETA: What sparked me to create this post was how corporations want you to dress nice with well groomed hair, control how much make up you wear and what colors to have, along with having straight white teeth. This of course…
After getting my masters in Education and teaching high school math for two years, I had no choice but to leave for a restaurant management job across the street that paid 6k more per year plus overtime available. I decided to try waiting tables at a nicer place than I managed but still mid-scale and it was my first job ever that was mostly fueled by tips. How the hell is it possible that I am making in the range of 25-40+% more than these salaried jobs paid by the company compared to a significant “less prestigious” job that is fueled by the guests? This was a pretty big wake up call that things are messed up, being that individual people are contributing to a more stable life/income than the school district or restauruant corporation I worked for
5% Raises Are Too Much?
For perspective
Setting boundaries vs. feeling included
Hi everyone, want to discuss something that has bothered me and get your opinions. I’m a big believer in setting work boundaries because of bad past experiences, professionalism, also personal privacy amongst other things. Lately (like an hour ago tbh) I had a breakdown because during a work meeting I realized no one really knows me or cares to know me…Part of that is because I put up walls. I don’t want to be hurt by letting my guard down or getting walked over by others. In reality, it just hurt my feelings knowing that other people have these relationships. I know that most of the people are toxic and fake, and it shouldn’t hurt me because it’s just a job. But sometimes I can’t help but feel left out, and I have this struggle between being myself & just doing my work and ending my day. Anyone else feel…