I sent this company my resume, as they pay significantly more than what I’m making now. They responded back saying they wanted to set up an interview and what time I’m available. I proceeded to list 3 days with multiple hours long blocks I could do it. They never responded. This was yesterday. Today, I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt and maybe they just got busy and forgot to respond. So I sent another email first thing this morning. It’s now noon and still haven’t gotten a response. If this is how they treat people before they even get hired maybe I dodged a bullet.
Owner owes me 25k (Canada)
I resigned from my job a month ago. My commissions are 2 months behind. Boss owes me 25k. A month after a resign, they email me a list of things they want that they weren’t able to get after I left. Some thinks include keys, files, passwords, and some emails. I mailed keys. I don’t have files. I have 1 password which I offered to them. Then they said that I forwarded some emails. Nothing confidential. I never signed anything working there. They told me they were going to pay me. Not they are holding my money, telling me that they won’t pay me unless I give them these things. And for some reason they are very adamant about getting me to their office. They are very verbally abusive. Harassing. And just mean people. They said they won’t pay me unless I go to their office. Can they force me…
Not doing assessment test
So this recruiter reaches out to me. I have a talk and now they expect me to waste 3 hours doing assessment tests. Mailed back I’m not going to do them. Not worth my time. If they want to know my skills they can schedule a meeting. I’m lucky because I have options and don’t need to jump through hoops. If you have that option, tell them your thoughts. It makes the world better for people who don’t have that privileged position
This is my first super corporate job. My manager has recently asked me for some constructive feedback during our 1:1 sessions. She often treats me like I’m her personal assistant when really she’s just my manager. It shows up in the way she condescendingly speaks to me, or asks me to do a bunch of little things that help her tasks but leave mine to burn. If I ask her for any help at all she always has an excuse but has no problem tasking me more work. I need to find the most polite and corporate way of saying “I am not your personal assistant and the constant requests throughout the day, all the stop and go, doesn’t allow me to do my work” Sorry if this isn’t the right place for this. Can remove if so.
So my dad is very ill. He has complications from diabetes and other things and only has about five years to live. My parents just received a letter from his employer saying that the donated leave was only for when he was in the hospital, not when he was at home and unable to work due to being very ill. They now owe about $8k, which will take a year and a half to pay off with $200 per paycheck. Money was already tight, as my mom was supporting me in my situation, which is another can of worms. My dad's employer is a contractor for the government.