Always read the job description
Wise words
Don’t scab on the unemployed
“Equitable” end of year award
This is about my spouses company. I’m not even sure how the company thought this would go over well or that it would be ethical in any way. For the last 60 years this company has been in business they have an end of year award for each department at each location. They have about 20 locations. The awards are performance based so who ever did the most work/ completed the most projects/etc would get the award. This has been the basis of this award from the very beginning. Who ever gets the award gets a plaque, a hefty bonus and a gift(the gifts are usually week long for two all expense paid vacation to somewhere tropical). This award is is to be announced next week. They just handed out a letter to every employee at every location saying “ given the recent events in society, to be more equitable…
So I just got an offer from a company in our industry for a 20k raise to what my current base is. Only problem is everyone in our company has to sign non competes saying we can’t work for a competitor for at least a year. With that being said-that’s mainly for sales reps with big accounts not lowly recruiters like myself so I have two questions. 1-do you think my current company would care to go through the effort to do anything? 2-do I even need to tell them where I’m going and what I’ll be doing?
I used to work at a consulting firm as an entry level analyst. Consulting seriously wasn’t for me. I refused to work overtime (aka free labor) so I was always passed over for a promotion. My manager said I needed to show I could DO the job of the next level before they actually gave me a promotion. Correct me if I’m wrong, but why should I put in 100s of hours of free labor? I did my normal job sufficiently and successfully. How is that enough for a promotion? To add – the duties of the next level up weren’t terribly different. Just a bit more client interaction and helping with proposals. But honestly, I was kind of barred from interacting with clients due to my title and it wasn’t my place to go after new contracts. So how the hell was I supposed to get promoted? I eventually…