“Special Operations”
A Stay at Home General Strike. Thoughts?
Long story short, my former employer overpaid me on my last check and neither of us noticed. I get a message saying that it's happened and that they would like me to pay them back. I didn't have the full amount and that's on me. I told them to send me a breakdown verifying all of this and that I would be happy to work with installments. This was last week. I check my bank tonight after not having received any breakdowns from them and I'm over-drafted and the amount specified is what's been taken out. Is this even possible? I understand they had my routing number for deposits but I didn't think they could withdraw without my permission. And, we were in the middle of a dialogue. I'm just frustrated and would like to know any option for recourse. Can I tell my bank that was unauthorized? Will they…
“They Live” 1988 anti-consumerism film
With serious analysis and thought…
How many of these 8 ways can you name in your job? https://www.inc.com/lolly-daskal/8-deadly-ways-to-kill-employee-motivation.html
I know they can't deduct it from my pay cheque without permission, but if I choose not to pay it, is there anything they can do? I'm also worried about some of the behind the scene's accounting. For example, before December 23th, I told my employer I wouldn't be able to make it to work due to a winter storm cancelling transport. I did try to rebook busses, and continued to make attempts to get there on time, until it wasn't physically possible to do so. I digress. My direct manager and the one who handles payroll told me I was already logged for the hours and it would need to be deducted. Is this common practice?