
AITA? Or is this retaliation? Paystub refusal in California!


Hiring for Scabs and trying to be sneaky about it!


the passive aggressive tone would make me instantly walk out of the restaurant


I really don’t understand the disconnect between business owners crying that their workers are quitting and wondering why nobody “wants to work anymore”.

It is apparent to even the dumbest people that nobody wants to work a job under 15$/hr when cost of living is more than that. Pay more and people will work for you. Pay an unlivable wage and only high schoolers and young people will stay for long.


They Work So mUcH Harder


Got written up for a “no call no show” even though I was told by my manager I was off

I got written up for a No call no show. One of my manager’s told me I was off and so I didn’t show up. My write up was justified by my other manager and HR rep because they said my schedule was updated to show me as working. I have photographic evidence of the following: An email confirming I had access to the schedule dated after the day I missed. A photo of my teams schedule showing that I had nothing scheduled the day that I missed. Texts with another coworker confirming they got things squared away and I was off that day. Do I have a fair shot of fighting this and if so how can I go about it? I don’t mind taking responsibility for my actions but in this case I did nothing wrong. Why must I get written for listening to my manager? Thank you…


What is the furthest I can go simply adding certifications to my resume?

What are certifications I can add to my resume that would impress job prospects? Ideally, I would like to get out of a paycheck to paycheck “manager” position of a small business. Make more, less stress. Mundane/repetitive work doesn’t bother me. Doing nothing doesn’t bother me. I’m only adding that because I know that’s an issue for some people. My degree (and psych in general) haven’t really gotten me anywhere and I still have time to go before even finishing my MS in IO Psych. One thing I don’t know much about that is an obvious one is anything with technology/computers. I tried learning coding but my brain literally fails me when I try to learn. So that’s probably out. I know this is anti-work. So I figured it’d be a good place to ask where I can work based on what I can add to my resume and get…


Is this legal tho


How Bankers SCREWED YOU! (2008)


Received this one week after manager laughed and told me I can’t expect people to be pleasant in the workplace. She also scoffed at a change I suggested telling me I was “just a part time employee” I work 30-40 hours a week.