All through the COVID pandemic while I was 100% remote, I was highly productive and my boss told me that I was a top performer. Really, that was the first time that I was truly happy with my job. I didn't mind working at all while I was working remotely all the time. About 6 months ago, we were forced back into the office 2 days per week. People are leaving right and left, and now the project that I'm working on which normally has 4 people working on it only has 2 people (me and a backstabbing drama queen person). Even though we are understaffed, our deadlines have not changed. In 6 months, I have gone from “top performer” to being counseled by my boss for productivity issues. Due to the staffing issue, we have been strongly encouraged to work overtime, but it hasn't been required. I haven't worked…
Dear ‘Your Elected Official’s Name (at the Federal, State, Local, etc. level)’, Note: you can use “” to find the names and addresses of elected officials across Federal, State, and Local levels of government. Please send this letter to any or all of them, it can be mailed or emailed or both. I am a constituent of ‘Your Federal State, State District, or Locality’, and as a voter I am concerned with Parental Leave policies in the United States. I am in favor of you taking steps towards expanding protected Parental Leave. Concerns include: The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 not covering enough. This 1993 law only requires 12 weeks of unpaid leave for mothers, among a few other items. This is a paltry protection that doesn’t go far enough to offer the coverage that new parents deserve. The World Health Organization recommends a 16 week minimum for…
Collect the evidence.
Look up the laws where you live. Collect the evidence. Ensure crimes against workers are prosecuted.
Advice on my response
I work for a company that handles climate control needs on a national level in the US. When the winter storm hit most of the US over Christmas weekend we had to activate many of our hourly team members as well as my manager and myself (both salaried employees). My manager and I both said the right thing to do was pay double time hours for anyone involved due to it being Christmas weekend. Our director agreed even as far as saying “salaried employees will be taken care of too.” My manager and I both thought that this would be in the form of a bonus payment paid on our regular paychecks. Yesterday I received a card in the mail with a visa gift card for $150 and a “free day off with pay.” I was expecting somewhere in the neighborhood for $500-1000 due to the fact that we both…
Just what the question said. If we tax ppl like Bezos and Musk even 90%, that just goes to Uncle Sam and he buys up bombs somewhere.
There are people in here who make less than $50K/year who will get fired and horribly mistreated. When they get fired they often have no savings and unemployment is little help. When you quit, you’re chilling. You have money in the bank. People on here want raises from 40K to 50K but since thats over 20% of their check it’ll never happen. Meanwhile you’ll get raises of this size for the rest of your life. You can have leftists ideals and make this money, but please start shutting up and just listening.