I quit my banking job last month and not a single person (besides my partner) supported my decision. The money was good, but I spent every waking hour working on spreadsheets, commuting in traffic, or having anxiety inducing nightmares about projects that needed to be finished for a company that doesn’t care about me. After one last mental breakdown, I decided enough was enough. After 10 years of the grind, I’m finally done. I sold my house and moved out to the country with my husband. I work for a non-profit organization that helps the local elderly community get to their medical appointments on time. I make 25% of my former income and only work a few days a week, but I can definitively say that I feel happy and fulfilled for the first time in years. My former colleagues think I’m crazy, but they never cared about me anyways.…
The Retained EU Law Bill being considered by Parliament could end key rights such as holiday pay, maternity and paternity pay, a number of health and safety standards, environmental impact regulation, rest breaks, reasonable working hours and protection from discrimination (such as equal pay and treatment for male and female workers, part time and outsourced workers, not to mention general freedom from the threat of exploitation) at the end of 2023. All because these hard-won protections are derived from EU law. It would be up to Tory ministers to pick and choose which of thousands of these rules they want to keep.
I’m a welder fabricator, I’ve been at my job for the last 4 years never had any discipline issue. We started running these electrical cabinet 2.5 years ago. I’ve ran ever single one of them until a few months ago. I trained a guy for nights and weekends. Last week they let us know that 68 got sent out that where out of square. They have a check sheet that we are to check every part to see if it’s square. The problem is how that wanted us to check it was not accurate so we didn’t check them. I brought this up on multiple occasions during the early stages of this part and was told not to worry about it. Today they wrote me up for not checking them after they openly admitted that their process was wrong. Really wanted to just quit but this is the highest paying…
Comments praise the kid for working
Going to work with Covid?
My boyfriend and I both have Covid right now, and work at the same restaurant. We have both learned about their new Covid policy which basically says you can come to work if you feel well enough (even if you tested positive for covid) just wear a mask. This is so frustrating because I feel like it’s my responsibility to protect my coworkers and guests at the restaurant by staying home (I don’t feel that sick, and could probably work per the policy). We also don’t have paid sick time for Covid anymore since the start of the new year so I’m home, losing money because I’m missing work, and feel like my company doesn’t care about Covid at all anymore. Is this ok? Are they breaking any laws by doing this?
Question for the antiworkers… is it time for all 2M+ of us (and the rest of the worker bees) to collectively refuse to accept the always one-sided at-will terms of employment thrown at us? For giggles I wrote up a thought experiment document which I think balances out Employee/Employer terms. It's US-centric b/c that's where I'm based. It would be used during employment offer negotiations. I fully realize that given the state of the US that it's a pipe dream, but I'm curious what folks think of the idea of having something like an “Employee Employment Agreement” to throw back at HR when they lay all their T&C at you. Has anyone tried this? What was your experience? Is the whole employee/employer thing just too one sided and the labor pool too unorganized?
Looking for a gif!
A few months ago there was a .gif of a person (or skeleton) running on a treadmill of work only to fall in his grave after he is tired of running. Does anyone have a link of that gif? Please fellas!