I’ve blurred out a lot without identifying myself or the company I work for. Big organisation, couple of thousand people. Some folk in IT paid 10k less than industry average – I’ve fought tooth and nail to try get them a raise only to be told no. Saw that the office which houses all the C-Levels and company Execs is hiring a personal barista through our ticketing system. Shocking.
I have a customer who has been buying from the company for roughly 5 years now, and out of the blue, they said their new company policy is they are only paying in full when their order is complete and ready to be shipped the next day. We've always taken payment upfront, or at best 50% — which I understand and prefer due to the fact that sometimes customers do back out and we get stuck with orders etc. Anyways, this customer won't put down a deposit and when I discussed this with my boss, he asked me to essentially lie to the customer and to tell them their order is ready to get their payment and deal with everything else later. Personally, I know with the holidays, this order won't be ready until the new year, which is a 3-4 week wait from today. He kept trying to tell…
I've been browsing the leftist subs for months now, this sub, /r/LateStageCapitalism, /r/lostgeneration. What has started to grind my gears is that whenever people talk about actionable advice you can take – you all sound like Milton Friedman and Ayn Rand in here. “If your raise is lower than inflation, you effectively got a pay cut”. “What do I do”? “Start job hunting and change jobs”. “Grind leetcode and get a programming job” These are right-wing answers. These are “pull up your bootstraps” answers. These are answers that every libertarian right wing economist would point to and say “Ah, see, capitalism works! Even the hippies on the left are realizing that the best way to survive is to simply adapt to the system”. The classic left wing answers would be to organize, collectively fight, strike, take solidarity with other groups, direct action, and fucking force them to give you what…
Then come to today, we find out we have covid AGAIN. Fiancé tested positive and mine was invalid. It’s been one thing after another. My boss who is always “fake nice” was talking to me first thing this morning about the usual stuff: “get a drs note” “sorry you don’t feel good” etc… then all the sudden it turned into “I heard you were out drinking with a group of people after calling in sick all week.” I finally felt somewhat good for the first time in nearly two weeks. I was dying to get out of the house so I went to a local event with my family. Ran into a coworker, who I thought I had kinda become friends with(this person is always putting on airs and I’ve gathered is pretty pretentious), we said hi and exchanged pleasantries. It was fine. Turns out my “buddy” decided this was…
Yes, you read the right; I get crap for wearing a face mask at work. I work as a door greater (yeah yeah, I know. I need to pack up and end that gig before I waste any more time than I already have) and I get multiple customers every day that comment on my wearing a face mask. It's a regular face mask with no graphic on it, so there shouldn't be any reason to get upset over it, right? Well, apparently not. Customers need to take time and lecture me on how the 'pandemic is over' and how I look ridiculous. You know what? I respect YOUR decision NOT to wear a mask, why can't you respect my decision too?
Rest a little kings
Tenant Organizing in Surrey, BC
i just wanted to let everyone know about what's going on in surrey, british columbia, and the absolute lack of tenant protections. surrey is the fastest growing neighborhood in the metro vancouver area, maybe even the whole province, and not enough people know about how awful the bylaws around renting are. the standards of maintenance bylaws (minimum standards a building must be kept at in order to operate) legally only require a landlord to provide heat, hot water, electricity, and a working elevator (if applicable), and NOTHING ELSE!! nothing about maintenance or repairs having to be done, nothing about janitorial services in a building, and nothing about pests or even mold ffs. it's crazy and in a lot of cases, people don't even have heat or a working elevator. thousands of people move to surrey every week, many of them being students and immigrants, and they're all being taken advantage…