My situation is unique which means a union might not work for me. Also how can I help people other than myself in other roles move to a four day work week? Make more money? Get treated better? Get healthcare? Get sick days? Make it so they can start/join a union easier? I want to help. I posted something like this before and it actually didn't get much activity at all, but I want to do something to help.
I usually see this in the over 40 crowd. I too am over 40 but don't do more than needed so I can go on with my life and be a father and husband. A lot of these workaholics worked while their kids grew up and were raised by daycares and latchkey. I also noticed a lot of these kids are pushed into extracurricular activities simply because mom and dad are working whether the kids enjoy them or not. That doesn't sound like a good family life to me.
I’m leaving already, but just curious. Does anyone else think this is a horrible way to operate and will lead to a lot more people leaving ?
I gave two months notice to my work. Even more if you count me informing my boss that I was going to be going back to college about four months ago. Im at the last two weeks of my notice and my boss just asked me if I could stay on longer to help train the replacement they just started interviewing for. Im so annoyed I tried to do that right thing but it still got thrown in my face. Needless to say I told him no that 2 months is more than plenty and he looked at me like I kicked a puppy infront of him.