
PTO Donation Nonsense in Lieu of FMLA

A few years ago, I worked in an office at a millwork company, and I sat at my computer and began my workday by checking e-mails. I had an e-mail from HR that was sent to everyone in the administration department informing us that one of our co-workers (let's call her Jane) was going to be out for surgery and didn't have enough PTO to cover the full absence. The e-mail went on to talk about the Jane's time with the company, how everyone loves her (which is true, she was an absolute gem), and how important she was to the company. I already knew about the surgery, since Jane and I went out for lunch together twice a week, and she told me about it. She mentioned that she didn't have enough PTO to cover the full recovery period, but she wasn't financially concerned because she and her husband…


Last days at my current job. Employer does not know

What should I do? Should I prepare all things for off boarding? I hate my boss so much I don’t want to do the two weeks notice period


You won’t like the answers.


DAE feel like the interview process is designed to discriminate against mental illness?

It seems like now the majority of people have some kind of stress or mental illness due to the ridiculousness of our world and how work culture has changed. I had a phone interview the other day and was asked the “How do you handle stress?” Question that drives me nuts. I have always hated this question because it seems like it’s designed to make people lie. Depending on the job anyone gets stressed and if you’re mentally I’ll it’s even harder. How am I supposed to answer? “I have severe anxiety so I’ll probably have a panic attack and daze out for an hour until I can calm down enough to finish my work”? Every time I lie my ass off. Most of these non technical questions I lie my ass off. This is also a mental health company lmao. It is supposedly illegal to discriminate but I think…


Some guy just tapped my shoulder while I was standing AT THE URINAL to ask me if we had something in the back

I don't hate my job. My boss actually treats us like we're whole human beings. But the general public needs to lose this entitlement. Retail has absolutely killed any love for the holidays that I ever had. And since it apparently needs to be said, it's nOT FUCKING OKAY TO BOTHER SOMEONE WHILE THEY'RE USING THE BATHROOM. IT'S NOT THAT SERIOUS. YOU AREN'T THAT SPECIAL.


Saw a post from an email sent out by a manger not allowing “call outs” and I wanted to post this cause it’s a win for the workers


Britain’s train drivers vote to strike in long-running row over pay


They Don’t Pay You What You’re Worth


Can we please post 30 more posts about the Olive Garden manager? So original!


Cameras in the office

Just had a team meeting where we were informed that there were “hidden cameras all over the office” and that HR can see what we are doing at all times. We are a satellite office to a bigger office and so we don’t have HR on site. Part of me thinks this is bullshit and there aren’t really hidden cameras but another more paranoid part of me thinks there are and I’m worried that I’ll start obsessing over where the cameras might be. Is it just me or is having hidden cameras in your office kind of messed up????