I work for a for-profit urgent care that had really good insurance. Like the best I ever had. For a $15 premium all I ever paid was a low copay. My coworker got breast reduction surgery and only paid $150. Well, someone bought us and my premium went up to almost $200 and converse shit. I’m salty about it. A couple of our locations have primary care, but that is ending. So people want their records. We are supposed to always go through a third-party so that whoever is requesting can be charged, but we are pretty lax about. I was helping out at a clinic I do not usually work at and someone wanted to just pick their records up for their new primary care. That is a lot of records. Whatever, we are not busy and I printed them all out. I got a lecture from one of…
A few years ago my office was at our annual meeting with about ten bigwigs from corporate. We were very close to meeting an unrealistic goal that had been set for Q4. It was pretty obvious we were going to achieve said goal. Corporate was ecstatic and said they had a reward for all our hard work and (ridiculous) overtime. Many people had been working weekends that year. The head honcho spoke warily about how he hadn’t been entirely sure if they should reward us yet as there was still a chance we might miss the goal. But they decided to go ahead and do it. They were speaking seriously here, mind you, not in a jokey manner. All of us figured by the way he spoke that it was maybe going to be an extra PTO day or even a monetary bonus. Nothing big, but an extra $300ish would…
I've read about juices and soda but I think that is for home tests. I want to be able to have a positive test in the app that I can show boss to get off work or be able to work remotely a few days.
Gave notice. Need opinions.
So, I put in a month’s notice to my HR/office manager last week on 12/1/22. My last day willl be 12/29/22. She wasn’t there, so I left it in her mailbox. It’s been a week and No one has said a word about my notice yet. Im not sure I dated my notice. Should I escalate to the higher ups? (Doctors, in this case). Is that too much of an escalation too quickly? I just want acknowledgment that they have the notice, not looking to “talk” about quitting.
6 months ago out manager left and we got a new manager. The old manager did requests in 3 month blocks and gave a list of dates of when requests were due for which month. Very clear, she was an amazing manager and I miss her. Our new manager decided to do it different. He does schedules a month at a time and gives the next months schedule the last week of the month. For our Jan schedule He came to me and asked if I wanted any holidays. I was confused but then said no and he told me to submit my PTO requests as it was past the deadline. I asked when the deadline was and he told ,e last Friday. I said I had no idea and asked if there was an email sent out. He told me there was – spoiler there wasn't. I asked all…
“Let’s start making money first, okay?”
A week after opening the business, my boss ordered a $750 painting for the office. For the room which customers dont even enter. For absolutely no reason. Couple of days after, I asked him, if he can order and have extra coat hanger installed, so we, workers don't have to take off all the coats off the hanger, in order to reach our coat under the pile. To which I got the harsh bitchy answer: “HOW ABOUT WE START MAKING MONEY FIRST AND AFTER WORRY ABOUT THINGS LIKE THAT?” W.o.w.
I’m always being left alone in the office to handle everything. Both coworkers are out today and HR just told me I need to eat my lunch at my desk so I can continue to answer phones and assist customers. I already don’t get to take my two 15 minute breaks today. And now they expect me to also work through lunch. So a 10 hour shift with no breaks. Lol not happening. How would you respond?
LinkedIn > Indeed
I’m honestly not sure if this belongs here, but since this sub is big on helping workers any way possible, I feel as though it belongs. A lot of people aren’t really on LinkedIn (or don’t use it even if they have an account) but I’ve recently realized that just keeping your account up to date and having “actively seeking” on your profile in regards to jobs is much better in job pursuing than Indeed. I’ve gotten a new job now but I’m currently open to offers because of the high quality of recruiters that have reached out to me. On Indeed, most of the jobs hiring don’t even come close to the level of these jobs on LinkedIn and even the rare ones that do, I would never hear back from. All I’m saying is that it won’t hurt to take an hour to update your LinkedIn fully to…