
What is the one thing you hate about work?

For me, without a shadow of a doubt, it is some of my colleagues, the drama, the bitching, the bullying, the sheer nastiness of the gossipping. I clock in, do my job and clock out. I am a fairly easy going, easy to talk to kind of chap, but I would take a pay cut to work alone.


Work Switched to WebEx For Calling Platform

And now I can't figure out how to have music/radio that I play all day to mute while I make phone calls. Anyone know if this is possible using WebEx like it was in Skype so the day doesn't completely suck. Also great having my boss passively aggressively call me out while I was out yesterday afternoon to continue using Skype. Sorry bro the sucky Muzak our work plays all day makes me want to kill myself.


On the phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs

I have just finished reading the famous book by David Graeber, Bullshit jobs, and I would like to start a conversation on your thoughts on the matter. For those who haven’t read the book I highly recommend if as it aligns with many of the views expressed in this sub, but I will leave you with a link to the essay that started it all. On the phenomenon of BS jobs


materials on how universal healthcare works?

i got into a debate with my dad yesterday about the efficacy of universal healthcare and i realized i dont have any sources to back up my beliefs. he told me using taxes to pay for healthcare wouldnt work out in the long run because, and jsyk i have super bad memory, it wouldn't be able to keep up with the cost of machinery and medications(?) either that or he said something about how “nobody will want to work in healthcare/build hospitals if they arent going to net a profit”. and i didnt really have a good rebuttal. i try to avoid debating my parents on this topic for my own mental sanity but it would be nice to read up on this just for my own knowledge. TIA!


doctors are not allowed to take breaks! doctors in a Sydney hospital got this emailed to them


Couldn’t have said it better myself


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Job doesnt have enough parking spaces, tells us we have to park half a mile away in a neighborhood

Its nice that theyre giving us the option to either walk half a mile to work or jaywalk across 4 lanes of traffic


(AUS) Boss want doctors cert after positive rat covid test?

As stated, my employer wants me to provide a doctors certificate even after being sick at work all day then returning a positive result after getting home and testing. Is this necessary? I think it’s a joke tbh the proof is in the picture I sent them and they witness how sick I was today… *employed in Australia


What’s your worst response to calling in sick?