What it says on the tin, really. I am getting extremely tired of massive corporations with billions or even, in this case, trillions in assets expecting valuable team members to live on a fine line. I am a senior copywriter and digital marketing executive, and applied for a senior copywriting position for this company. I set my salary expectations for 60k (I live in a country in Europe where this really isn't bad in comparison, also I'm 25 and get laughed whenever requesting more despite my skills and experience – it's also more than I'm making now, and I'd be able to live pretty comfortably with it, ignoring the fact I know my role should earn me more). They said this was fine, and wanted to progress to a screening interview with their internal recruiter. Cool, sounds good. Screening interview went well, not too insightful – just giving me an…
Quick question. A lot of folks here say companies don't deserve a two week notice, since they'll fire you without a 2 week notice. As someone in the cyber security field, I think giving folks a 2 week notice would likely create some insider threat problems, which will constantly throw the cybersecurity team into a frenzy trying to track online behavior. That gives folks 2 weeks to find ways to get revenge, act like a jackass, etc since they're leaving anyway. Now companies COULD tell them that any behavior of such could lead to earlier termination, but I'm not sure how effective that would be. Here's what I suggest: make the 2-wk notice culture extinct. Force managers to know how to operate for months without a certain team member. Force managers to be accountable to train their folks and not just have one person do it all. Why do companies…
I’m disgusted
Today an older woman at my job quit. Our job doesn't give any benefits, which wasn't a problem for her before because she had benefits through her husband who unfortunately passed away. She left amicably and was well liked here and the owners said they understood decision. What annoyed me is that they asked her when she starts her new job and she said “Monday” (this was on a Friday). They were like “wow, you're just gonna jump right in? Not gonna take a day off or mini vacation?” She said, “no. I wish I could, but i cant afford it” and two of them nod their heads and are like “yeah, I know… It's hard. They both live in million dollar homes in our state's most exclusive gated community. It literally has its own stores, restaurants, a k-12 school and post office. The insanity of men living like that…
check it out. FYI I’d donate time and volunteering before direct financial / money contributions because I’ve only just started hearing about this group But if you think a GENERAL STRIKE is the only way to stop the nightmare that we’re in, we might as well look into them. Who the fuck else is advocating for us?
I work for a super small cleaning company and she is very well established about an hour away and recently moved to my area to expand and live with her husband. Definitely made it sound like it will be very lucrative as after 2 weeks of training you would earn commission off of your clients depending on what they pay for their cleaning. I started at $17 an hour and my partner lost his job so I asked if I could get more hours. She let me know that there was office work that needs to be done and they would like to train me on that. I'm like sweet, I already prefer office work. 2 weeks later she still hasn't given me more hours and I asked about it. I asked if I'd get a raise at some point and she then told me I'd earn commission starting next…
How are we supposed to manage that shit?
https://old.reddit.com/r/AskUK/comments/ze9r9q/when_did_uk_employers_begin_having_these/ Although, the UK has many issues in common with the USA, it has its own dysfunctions.
Hate Nestle? Don’t just hate “the company”. Look up the CEO, the CFO, the rest of upper management who were in charge when whatever company policy that you hate was instituted. For too long we have allowed ourselves to lazily blame “corporations” for “all the bad things”. Boohoo! They are so amorphous, there’s nothing we can do ): No. CORPORATIONS don’t MAKE the decision to dump poison in water supplies. PEOPLE do that. PEOPLE you could potentially look up, learn about, educate others about re: what kind of shit they’ve been up to CORPORATIONS don’t MAKE the decision to buy up precious water resources. THE CEO DOES. A person with a FACE and a NAME who you could HOLD ACCOUNTABLE. If not on this sub, somewhere else. There are things we can do to actually organize, people. Shall we fucking give it a go then???
Question: Write a story of how capitalism failed in 2023 and the United States pivots to an economy driven for the sustenance and benefit of citizens over corporations. Include data to support the economic cost to stock markets, government institutions and individual citizens. The new economy must include universal basic income, universal health care and universal housing for all United States residents. Answer: In 2023, the United States was the last major country to abandon capitalism. For the past three decades, the country had grown increasingly reliant on corporations and its stock markets, resulting in an economy that had become increasingly inequitable. The top 1% of the population held an astounding 40% of the country's wealth. This, coupled with rising poverty, made it clear that the capitalist system was no longer working for the majority of Americans. The tipping point came in the spring of 2023, when the stock market…