
[Part 2] My boss is being shady

First part was about how my employer is only giving me 2 weeks of unpaid maternity leave. I'm mainly just venting to let some pregnancy stress off my chest. I (23F) have been at my job for almost 2 months. At first, I thought this job was the piece of cake I've been looking for (especially since I'm pregnant currently). My boss is pretty chill, he's laid back, and vents about a bunch of things. One of the things he's told the crew is that “He made more money from unemployment and link than working here.” I was surprised to hear that from a manager, but kept my mouth shut. A couple weeks ago, he told us that we need to add protection to the customer's accounts without asking them (so without their knowledge), so we can meet our features goal (I work for a cellphone company). I felt super…

First part was about how my employer is only giving me 2 weeks of unpaid maternity leave. I'm mainly just venting to let some pregnancy stress off my chest.

I (23F) have been at my job for almost 2 months. At first, I thought this job was the piece of cake I've been looking for (especially since I'm pregnant currently).

My boss is pretty chill, he's laid back, and vents about a bunch of things. One of the things he's told the crew is that “He made more money from unemployment and link than working here.” I was surprised to hear that from a manager, but kept my mouth shut.

A couple weeks ago, he told us that we need to add protection to the customer's accounts without asking them (so without their knowledge), so we can meet our features goal (I work for a cellphone company). I felt super uncomfortable with not only him telling us that, but him watching over my shoulder MAKING sure I was doing just that whenever I'd help someone out.

A little over a week ago, he tagged one of my coworkers and I in our group chat, claiming we didn't fully close a sale, and there was $45 in taxes that needs to be covered. The customer we had the sale with lives a few hours away from us, and wasn't coming back to pay those taxes. I ignored the chat, and screenshotted it just incase. He hasn't brought it up since we've both been back to work since then, and he hasn't shown either of us how to make sure a sale is fully closed so we won't make that mistake again.

I've never worked in this field before, and venting to my boyfriend about it, he claims that it's common in the cellphone industry. I told my boyfriend that I'm probably not going to come back from the maternity leave. Am I overreacting?

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