
Part of me hopes I get fired…

I was placed on a PIP several weeks ago. The expectations were reasonable and I’ve been somewhat meeting them. I feel like they are genuinely trying to get me to improve and keep me on instead of just outright wanting me to go (could be wrong about that of course), and I’ve been working towards it but I’m not sure it’ll be good enough. Everyone online says to find a new job ASAP before the PIP is over but frankly in this market where people seem to be applying to hundreds of jobs with no luck, I just don’t have the energy to do that, nor do I want to spend my free time after work doing more work (for no money). If I were terminated I could at least catch my breath for a week or two, and then have a whole lot of time to look for other…

I was placed on a PIP several weeks ago. The expectations were reasonable and I’ve been somewhat meeting them. I feel like they are genuinely trying to get me to improve and keep me on instead of just outright wanting me to go (could be wrong about that of course), and I’ve been working towards it but I’m not sure it’ll be good enough.

Everyone online says to find a new job ASAP before the PIP is over but frankly in this market where people seem to be applying to hundreds of jobs with no luck, I just don’t have the energy to do that, nor do I want to spend my free time after work doing more work (for no money).

If I were terminated I could at least catch my breath for a week or two, and then have a whole lot of time to look for other jobs while still having some free time so I don’t go insane. My financial situation isn’t really that desperate due to spending a couple years with my parents saving up money, just would prefer I’m not unemployed for months and months obviously.

I also don’t really see myself wanting to progress in the current company I’m in. Have no desire to become a manager or anything like that. I’ve just stayed for 4 years because I’m lazy to look into other jobs during my free time and change also terrifies me. It’s not like my pay is great for living on the west coast either. The only saving graces are that I like most of the people I work with and that the job is work from home (not everyone’s cup of tea, but I much prefer it for a job I just sit at a desk for all day anyway)

Getting “kicked out the door” could force me to be more proactive about making changes in my life, which I think I need some motivation for. I’ve been feeling burnt out on life since new management took over early this year, hell-bent for production, and I think for the first couple weeks I’d be breathing a sigh of relief that I would no longer have to do that day to day grind.

Still going to try and not get fired these next couple weeks but it really doesn’t sound 100% bad if that’s what ends up happening.

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