
Part of the reason the Sacklers were so successful…

Part of the reason the sacklers were so successful in their oxycontin scheme was because they treated their employees like gods. They seem to have been paid EXCEEDINGLY well by Purdue Pharma when the company did well. If the company had a good year, so did their bonuses. This army of loyal employees almost destroyed the country and its because they were so fiercely loyal from being paid well and recognized for their achievements. Imagine if the power of this company was used for good. I'm not saying let's take notes from the fucking Sackler family but still that aspect is pretty interesting to me, like imagine if more companies treated their employees like that.

Part of the reason the sacklers were so successful in their oxycontin scheme was because they treated their employees like gods. They seem to have been paid EXCEEDINGLY well by Purdue Pharma when the company did well. If the company had a good year, so did their bonuses. This army of loyal employees almost destroyed the country and its because they were so fiercely loyal from being paid well and recognized for their achievements. Imagine if the power of this company was used for good. I'm not saying let's take notes from the fucking Sackler family but still that aspect is pretty interesting to me, like imagine if more companies treated their employees like that.

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