
part-time job career ideas.

Hi, I'm 27 yo, I was working til my 16, primarily full-time, but since 2022 I started working simple part-time as I couldn't mentally handle full-time job anymore. I felt like time was slipping through my fingers, I was constantly exhausted, and spent weekends mostly sleeping and doing nothing. I am so happy rn, now that I spent only 3 days at work, can get some quality sleep, do creative stuff, educate myself etc. But time is running on and I should start working on my career, and think about my future. But honestly, I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK TO A FULL-TIME JOB FULL-TIME SO MUCH, I had no idea how much I hated my life back then when I was working 40 hours per week. Does anyone have any ideas about part-time well-paid jobs with some perspectives?

I'm 27 yo, I was working til my 16, primarily full-time, but since 2022 I started working simple part-time as I couldn't mentally handle full-time job anymore. I felt like time was slipping through my fingers, I was constantly exhausted, and spent weekends mostly sleeping and doing nothing.
I am so happy rn, now that I spent only 3 days at work, can get some quality sleep, do creative stuff, educate myself etc.
But time is running on and I should start working on my career, and think about my future.
But honestly, I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK TO A FULL-TIME JOB FULL-TIME SO MUCH, I had no idea how much I hated my life back then when I was working 40 hours per week.
Does anyone have any ideas about part-time well-paid jobs with some perspectives?

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