
Part time job wont approve time off???

I have a full time job, Monday to Friday 9 to 5 and a second job where I work Friday and Saturday night at a restaurant. In the past this position has always been very flexible if I have weekend plans and I have always been permitted to take a Friday or Saturday off as long as no one else has it booked. My boss is a friend so I usually just send a text with the days I cant work and thats that. So I'll work there anywhere from 3 to 8 times a month. I'm always there when I say I'm going to be there and always on time. Near the end of November I sent the days I can not work this Decemeber. The days are at the beginning of Decemeber and I was told at my most recent shift that I might not be able to…

I have a full time job, Monday to Friday 9 to 5 and a second job where I work Friday and Saturday night at a restaurant.

In the past this position has always been very flexible if I have weekend plans and I have always been permitted to take a Friday or Saturday off as long as no one else has it booked. My boss is a friend so I usually just send a text with the days I cant work and thats that. So I'll work there anywhere from 3 to 8 times a month. I'm always there when I say I'm going to be there and always on time.

Near the end of November I sent the days I can not work this Decemeber. The days are at the beginning of Decemeber and I was told at my most recent shift that I might not be able to have the days off. I explained that these days were for ticketed events and was told that they will try to get them covered but not to expect it. It is now a few days before my planned days off and I still have not heard back. I am going to have to reach out to check if I the days are covered because I would never just not show up but if they aren't I am going to have to put my foot down.

I feel very guilty but I am going to have to say I need these days or I can't work here anymore and this will be quite a problem because it is the busy season in December. I feel like a jerk because they have always been flexible in the past but I feel like if December was a blackout period for days off I should have been informed???

Not sure how to feel or what to do

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