
Part time work

Hi members, I want to share my experience of working in full time logistics job and now part time teaching , I am 35 F , last year I spent my entire time on the job working full time and overtime. I was working in logistics industry, dispatching and managing drivers which was very stressful because of deadlines and micromanagement by the company owners. Every inconsequential error was magnified . Emails were scrutinized and we were asked constantly why we haven’t responded to email received 10-15 minutes ago. Apart from that, there were only men in my office ( lot of testosterone , bantering and ego clash happening) . As a woman , I was not respected and was always told to toughen up and be more aggressive with drivers even though I had good rapport with them. They respected me because I respected them. This job was having a…

Hi members, I want to share my experience of working in full time logistics job and now part time teaching ,

I am 35 F , last year I spent my entire time on the job working full time and overtime. I was working in logistics industry, dispatching and managing drivers which was very stressful because of deadlines and micromanagement by the company owners. Every inconsequential error was magnified . Emails were scrutinized and we were asked constantly why we haven’t responded to email received 10-15 minutes ago. Apart from that, there were only men in my office ( lot of testosterone , bantering and ego clash happening) . As a woman , I was not respected and was always told to toughen up and be more aggressive with drivers even though I had good rapport with them. They respected me because I respected them.
This job was having a severe effect on my mental health . So , one day I just called and quit my job.

Now I have started teaching students part time and I absolutely love it . I feel like I have become alive again. Everyday I am happy to go to work and excited for my class . I play lot of games in the class and keep everything fun . Studnets love it too. I feel much more appreciated than that high paying desk job . I love that I dnt have to sit at a desk and stare at the screen and check my emails all day . I dnt want to work full time yet as I enjoy my free afternoons and evening . I have time to pursue my hobbies as well. I love it .

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