
Partner makes way more than me and works way less than me. Why do harder jobs pay the least??

I work 40 hours a week as a custodian. I make $16/hour and live paycheck to paycheck. I’m exhausted from the work and use my weekend to regroup for the work to come. I recently started dating someone who has a salaried “adult job” and they told me that they work roughly 10 hours a week, gets paid every two weeks, and each paycheck is $1.8k. They said that their job is mostly sending emails. Wtf?? That doesn’t feel fair at all. I want to clarify that I’m not upset with my partner in the slightest. I’m upset that we live in such a backwards society. I work my ass off every week and get little reward, while my partner does hardly anything and makes a ton of money. Make it make sense. Smh. I hate that if I want a better paying job that my best option is to…

I work 40 hours a week as a custodian. I make $16/hour and live paycheck to paycheck. I’m exhausted from the work and use my weekend to regroup for the work to come. I recently started dating someone who has a salaried “adult job” and they told me that they work roughly 10 hours a week, gets paid every two weeks, and each paycheck is $1.8k. They said that their job is mostly sending emails. Wtf?? That doesn’t feel fair at all.

I want to clarify that I’m not upset with my partner in the slightest. I’m upset that we live in such a backwards society. I work my ass off every week and get little reward, while my partner does hardly anything and makes a ton of money. Make it make sense. Smh.

I hate that if I want a better paying job that my best option is to take out loans and go to school, when in reality the jobs I could get after school will most likely just train me to do that job. College feels like a scam, but if I want a more stable job, I have to play the game. Smh.

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