
Passed over for promotion despite being the ideal candidate. Job given to a friend.

As the title says. I've always been highly motivated and gone that extra mile just because I like to keep busy, help people and want us to do well. A role I have wanted for a while came up and I applied. I have been on many leadership, coaching, motivating etc.. courses as well as being very experienced in my line of work and knowing the other candidates, they shouldn't have stood a chance. But one did. A friend of the guy in charge. A guy who hasn't ever really shown any willingness to do anything more than his job. A guy who works under me and never tries to fix issues or resolve anything. I knew that a previous manager role was given to a guy who was told to apply and it was his because he told me. Also I've been told from others that the role should…

As the title says. I've always been highly motivated and gone that extra mile just because I like to keep busy, help people and want us to do well. A role I have wanted for a while came up and I applied. I have been on many leadership, coaching, motivating etc.. courses as well as being very experienced in my line of work and knowing the other candidates, they shouldn't have stood a chance.

But one did. A friend of the guy in charge. A guy who hasn't ever really shown any willingness to do anything more than his job. A guy who works under me and never tries to fix issues or resolve anything.

I knew that a previous manager role was given to a guy who was told to apply and it was his because he told me. Also I've been told from others that the role should have been mine but the decision to place the other guy in it was made well before any interviews and it was all for show. There is no proof of this, just info from my inside guys higher up so I can't really take it anywhere.

It's demotivated me massively and I'm wondering what the fucking point of even working there is. They have shown me that I can do the bare minimum and anything more means absolutely nothing.

And that is exactly what I will do.

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