
Past job trauma

My former boss made me me feel badly about pretty much everything I ever did in that job. And I'm finding that I carried that poison to my current job where I'm treated with love kindness, respect. My current bosses know I'm doing my projects, but yet I feel guilty that I'm need focus time on this project ( that got backlogged due to the holiday weekend, and my partner in crime is on vacation this week. So it's just me on this project), and that I spent 2 days catching back up. How do I make that feeling go away?

My former boss made me me feel badly about pretty much everything I ever did in that job. And I'm finding that I carried that poison to my current job where I'm treated with love kindness, respect. My current bosses know I'm doing my projects, but yet I feel guilty that I'm need focus time on this project ( that got backlogged due to the holiday weekend, and my partner in crime is on vacation this week. So it's just me on this project), and that I spent 2 days catching back up. How do I make that feeling go away?

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