
Pay difference

The position above me has tried many times to off load her work to me and I have shut it down stating that their position is responsible for that work and is compensated accordingly. They have always maintained that the difference in pay was small and inconsequential even though they didn't know thier rate. (Never bothered to work out the math themselves after promotion) Well; we all got cost of living raises and the company failed to tell anyone what the raise was so we worked it out ourselves….. After the raise they make over $2 more a hour then I do. Thier work load will be increased this year but right now they use maybe 10 to 30 mins a day on the extra work….. When thier work load increases they fully expect me to take on part of it. Not happening unless I get closer to their pay,…

The position above me has tried many times to off load her work to me and I have shut it down stating that their position is responsible for that work and is compensated accordingly. They have always maintained that the difference in pay was small and inconsequential even though they didn't know thier rate. (Never bothered to work out the math themselves after promotion)

Well; we all got cost of living raises and the company failed to tell anyone what the raise was so we worked it out ourselves….. After the raise they make over $2 more a hour then I do.
Thier work load will be increased this year but right now they use maybe 10 to 30 mins a day on the extra work….. When thier work load increases they fully expect me to take on part of it.

Not happening unless I get closer to their pay, I have been with the company one year less but have more experience in the field so the gap in pay seems a bit large to me and if I have more work then I expect more pay. Hopefully I can state this professionally when the time comes because it didn't go super well last time it was brought up…..I won out but they were pissy with me for awhile.

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