
Pay has been short 2 cycles in a row, need advice

So they missed all my overtime, about $100 missing on my paycheck 2 weeks ago, and this one is short $100. They're miscalculating my total hours worked even though it shows everything on the punch clock. I can't wait another paycycle and keep unnecessarily over extending myself as I'm on a very tight budget. I already had to take out a small payday loan. I've been talking with HR and what they did is only pay me my ot hours owed as regular hours. HR didn't respond to my email to help this evening and had an hour to do so. What's the best course to take to get my money here? Really can't afford to wait on the cash for another two weeks. I work in Ontario if that makes any difference.

So they missed all my overtime, about $100 missing on my paycheck 2 weeks ago, and this one is short $100. They're miscalculating my total hours worked even though it shows everything on the punch clock. I can't wait another paycycle and keep unnecessarily over extending myself as I'm on a very tight budget. I already had to take out a small payday loan. I've been talking with HR and what they did is only pay me my ot hours owed as regular hours. HR didn't respond to my email to help this evening and had an hour to do so. What's the best course to take to get my money here? Really can't afford to wait on the cash for another two weeks. I work in Ontario if that makes any difference.

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