
Pay without work (legal responsibilities)

TLDR: I am an adjunct instructor at a private college and not an employee. I began getting paid this semester, have no classes, and was never given a contract. What legal liability if any do I have to return funds? I have been teaching at a local school for 5-6 years. Each Spring we're given as adjuncts an idea of where our credits will be used as we can only teach so many classes as an adjunct; 3 classes in the Spring, 1 in the Summer, 2 in the Fall for example. It's not bound in stone, and if anything more is added from my experience. At any rate, I taught in the Spring and was told I woulnd't be teaching in the Summer due to them overloading my Fall. Awesome, I took the summer off and all was well enough. Over the end of summer, I began to create…

TLDR: I am an adjunct instructor at a private college and not an employee. I began getting paid this semester, have no classes, and was never given a contract. What legal liability if any do I have to return funds?

I have been teaching at a local school for 5-6 years. Each Spring we're given as adjuncts an idea of where our credits will be used as we can only teach so many classes as an adjunct; 3 classes in the Spring, 1 in the Summer, 2 in the Fall for example. It's not bound in stone, and if anything more is added from my experience. At any rate, I taught in the Spring and was told I woulnd't be teaching in the Summer due to them overloading my Fall. Awesome, I took the summer off and all was well enough. Over the end of summer, I began to create the classes only to find there were no classes. Long story short, my depertment chair had known since the begining of the year and kept it to themself, so with a few weeks notice I realized I had no income for the fall, and their has been zero discussion or indication of next year. I didn't sign a contract and have no classes or obligations for this fall semester. However, I have gotten my first paycheck of the semester.

My question is what, if any, legal liability do I have to return it or even say anything about it? Due to the duplicitous nature of many acts over the past year, this included, I am strongly inclined to cut all ties with the university entirely.

Thank you for your advice in advance

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