
Penalized by work for going to the ER unscheduled

So I enjoy all the posts of struggles other workers go through with their jobs and I often relate. First time posting, but I could post something on the regular if I took the time. The other night I was having mild heart attack symptoms, very mild and being over 50 with high cholesterol, I was concerned but not so worried that I went in immediately to be seen. I messaged my adult son and the next morning his girlfriend had messaged me and then called me to say that she is taking me to the ER. I declined at the time because I am well aware of the cost to go to the doctor, let alone the ER and charges with labs, xrays, the ekg, etc. Big bucks. I told her and my son I'd call the doctor, see if they'd have me come in. The nurse was adamant…

So I enjoy all the posts of struggles other workers go through with their jobs and I often relate. First time posting, but I could post something on the regular if I took the time. The other night I was having mild heart attack symptoms, very mild and being over 50 with high cholesterol, I was concerned but not so worried that I went in immediately to be seen. I messaged my adult son and the next morning his girlfriend had messaged me and then called me to say that she is taking me to the ER. I declined at the time because I am well aware of the cost to go to the doctor, let alone the ER and charges with labs, xrays, the ekg, etc. Big bucks. I told her and my son I'd call the doctor, see if they'd have me come in. The nurse was adamant that I go to the ER, even for mild symptoms because if I were having or had a heart attack and I didn't get checked and treated if needed I could risk further damage or worse, death. I really don't care to die yet, and I didn't want to risk any possibility of damage so I allowed my son's girlfriend to take me. Here's the response from HR, as conveyed from my supervisor. Why HR couldn't call me back themselves as we have been told it's not our supervisor who makes decisions about missing work but HR leads me to believe otherwise. I was informed as I did not give 24 HOUR notice of needing to be excused from work, I would be given half a point (8 points in 6 months and we are let go), they would take my pto of time missed, I could make up the time, but I would STILL lose my PTO. Fortunately the ER didn't find anything indicative of a heart attack. That's most important, and I'm grateful for that. But for the lack of flexibility on the 24 hour notice, even with a note from the ER and proof I was seen there, my supervisor said there's NOTHING she can do. I missed 4 hours, thus half a point and four hours of PTO will be deducted even though I made up the time. I really feel it's not specifically HR who made the final decision because HR called my supervisor. My supervisor is a hard *** and rides me about everything, and micromanages me daily. I've said often to take away my title, put me back as a regular representative due to the constant “nagging”, asking me what I'm doing. I'm ON CAMERA and everything, I mean EVERYTHING we do can & is tracked. I'm a reliable worker, on time and in October it will be 5 years. I don't call off unless it's absolutely necessary and I disagree that we are penalized for using our time off unless we schedule it. I'm honestly wondering if it's legal, but I'm sure it is because businesses always know how to cover themselves. I did call and leave a message for someone higher up in HR, politely expressing my disbelief in a policy that expects 24 notice of an emergency. Please don't say, go to my supervisor's boss. These people will not leave anything confidential, nothing would change. Should I look for another job? Yes. Have I, not actively. What's your take? Thanks for letting me vent. I have more examples of the toxicity of my jobs. I'm not certain I care to share more. Take care and stay mentally healthy all!

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