
People love to be exploited

I was working at this food factory and only lasted a week because the place sucked. People get paid the bare minimun for their 8 hours of work so most of them stay to work extra hours. they work 12 hours 6 days a week just to make ends meet. Legally they can't force you to work more than 8 hours, but you if you don't stay you know how it goes with these piece of shit companies. These people basically stay most of their day at that goddamn factory, they have no life of their own. I was talking to a few coworkers trying to understand how can someone can be okay to work that kind of shift for years and I was surprised that most of them were more than happy to work extra hours because “they made more money”. There's no amount of money that can make…

I was working at this food factory and only lasted a week because the place sucked. People get paid the bare minimun for their 8 hours of work so most of them stay to work extra hours. they work 12 hours 6 days a week just to make ends meet. Legally they can't force you to work more than 8 hours, but you if you don't stay you know how it goes with these piece of shit companies. These people basically stay most of their day at that goddamn factory, they have no life of their own. I was talking to a few coworkers trying to understand how can someone can be okay to work that kind of shift for years and I was surprised that most of them were more than happy to work extra hours because “they made more money”. There's no amount of money that can make up for the physical and emotional damage that working those shifts can do to you. I understand that some of them have children and responsabilities, but still…

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