
People that work in my office are monsters .

I am a janitor in a pediatric dental office. The staff throws whole cups of liquid in the trash regularly. The first picture with the McDonalds cup, the can is located feet away from the sink. I was able to pour this out as it was on top of the can but when they do this earlier in the day I end up having to walk through the entire building over carpet etc with a dripping bag of trash. The other week they ran out of room in a larger can. There are extra liners underneath the liner inside of the can. Someone decided they were not enough of a monster to put trash on top of these liners but not enough of a decent human being to replace the liner themselves. They took the liners out from the bottom of the can through them on the floor and put…

I am a janitor in a pediatric dental office. The staff throws whole cups of liquid in the trash regularly. The first picture with the McDonalds cup, the can is located feet away from the sink. I was able to pour this out as it was on top of the can but when they do this earlier in the day I end up having to walk through the entire building over carpet etc with a dripping bag of trash.

The other week they ran out of room in a larger can. There are extra liners underneath the liner inside of the can. Someone decided they were not enough of a monster to put trash on top of these liners but not enough of a decent human being to replace the liner themselves. They took the liners out from the bottom of the can through them on the floor and put trash directly into the can.

I feel like they don’t think of me as a person. Merely an indentured ferry or elf that comes in the night to make the trash disappear not someone who has to dig their trash out or deal with the liquid that they have poured into the trashcan.

If these you are OK with these actions or would do this in your own workplace, I just wanna let you know I think you’re a monster.

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