
Performance evaluation: Is this response too much?

We just finished up our performance evaluations at work and my team was discussing how they went. One of the things our manager likes to ask is how we would evaluate the organization to guage the likelihood we'll stay another year. A little background, we're unionized and in a role that is fairly difficult to fire once we're out of probation. One of my colleagues said the question was posed to them as, why do you still work here. I told them that my evaluation ran long so we didn't get to that part of the review, which worked out because I hadn't come up with, “because we live in a capitalist hellhole that doesn't have universal basic income” as my response yet. I got a few reactions…. Was my response too much?

We just finished up our performance evaluations at work and my team was discussing how they went. One of the things our manager likes to ask is how we would evaluate the organization to guage the likelihood we'll stay another year. A little background, we're unionized and in a role that is fairly difficult to fire once we're out of probation.

One of my colleagues said the question was posed to them as, why do you still work here. I told them that my evaluation ran long so we didn't get to that part of the review, which worked out because I hadn't come up with, “because we live in a capitalist hellhole that doesn't have universal basic income” as my response yet. I got a few reactions…. Was my response too much?

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