
Performance review upcoming

You know the standard corporate bullshit. “What have you achieved, what goals do you have for yourself” etc etc I’m at a point where I’ve all but quit my job, as it makes me miserable. They have treated me terrible for years. I am just 1 of 5000+ employees and we’re ALL treated terribly. In the past I’ve been bullied by management, had my hours reduced from discrimination over my health and even been refused to return to work because my manger had given my hours away to other team members (even though I had been medically cleared to return) leaving me without pay. So that said I don’t feel bad at all from taking advantage of this place. I now exclusively work from home and they’re damn lucky if I put in even half the hours I should. I get ‘enough’ done to not be noticed. I’m just keeping…

You know the standard corporate bullshit. “What have you achieved, what goals do you have for yourself” etc etc

I’m at a point where I’ve all but quit my job, as it makes me miserable. They have treated me terrible for years. I am just 1 of 5000+ employees and we’re ALL treated terribly. In the past I’ve been bullied by management, had my hours reduced from discrimination over my health and even been refused to return to work because my manger had given my hours away to other team members (even though I had been medically cleared to return) leaving me without pay.

So that said I don’t feel bad at all from taking advantage of this place. I now exclusively work from home and they’re damn lucky if I put in even half the hours I should. I get ‘enough’ done to not be noticed. I’m just keeping my head down until I can save enough money to move on.

So here’s the question: how to approach the performance review BS? They no longer accept just a simple “meets expectations” to tick the boxes. I’m expected to have a meeting and discuss career growth etc. The thought of just lying and saying I want to learn anything makes my skin crawl.. I know I should just smile and nod and pretend to care so I stay under the radar but it makes me sick. I want to tell them that there is no future for me in their stupid company and ask they just leave me alone to be honest.

TLDR: how do you manage the performance review / goal setting process when you don’t give a single F.

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