
Pestering boss?

My lead likes to pester. He actually ran our project manager off from pestering him so much. Naturally I’m the new punching bag as our team is dwindling. I’ve seen many people in my role have quit and there is a high turnover and here is why I think. My lead just likes to pester. I’m in tech and every morning we have a 20 minute call called standup where we report what we are working on and any challenges we are facing. My boss will message me an hour before our meeting asking me what I’m working on. He will also message me randomly in the afternoons and ask as well. I don’t know it just messes with me and lowers my self esteem. He also like to blame me for stuff that goes wrong. Sometimes it’s my fault but sometimes it just poor organization of stuff I’m working…

My lead likes to pester. He actually ran our project manager off from pestering him so much. Naturally I’m the new punching bag as our team is dwindling. I’ve seen many people in my role have quit and there is a high turnover and here is why I think.

My lead just likes to pester. I’m in tech and every morning we have a 20 minute call called standup where we report what we are working on and any challenges we are facing. My boss will message me an hour before our meeting asking me what I’m working on. He will also message me randomly in the afternoons and ask as well. I don’t know it just messes with me and lowers my self esteem. He also like to blame me for stuff that goes wrong. Sometimes it’s my fault but sometimes it just poor organization of stuff I’m working on which is very complicated and needs sim changes from the top down.

Anyone have a management like this and how do you deal with it?

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