
P&G application process should be avoided at all cost

I am graduating from college in May of ‘24, so naturally I’ve been applying to jobs. I applied to P&G’s Laboratory Analyst position (a fairly elementary, mid-low paying laboratory job that any chemistry major should be able to fit into easily). I received an acknowledgment email about my application and it said “You will hear from us in 2 days!” Well 3 days pass so I check out the email again, turns out I had to take an online assessment. Whatever, I’ll take your stupid personality test and just move on with my life. OH NO! It’s not just a personality test, it’s a three step multi choice online assessment ranking your morality and how willing you are to suck up to your superiors. ~100 questions in total AND THEN! These bastards have the audacity to tell me to carve time out of my day to complete 5+ puzzle games…

I am graduating from college in May of ‘24, so naturally I’ve been applying to jobs. I applied to P&G’s Laboratory Analyst position (a fairly elementary, mid-low paying laboratory job that any chemistry major should be able to fit into easily). I received an acknowledgment email about my application and it said “You will hear from us in 2 days!” Well 3 days pass so I check out the email again, turns out I had to take an online assessment. Whatever, I’ll take your stupid personality test and just move on with my life.

OH NO! It’s not just a personality test, it’s a three step multi choice online assessment ranking your morality and how willing you are to suck up to your superiors. ~100 questions in total

AND THEN! These bastards have the audacity to tell me to carve time out of my day to complete 5+ puzzle games about memory and mathematical logic puzzles. These are the kind of things akin to a fake IQ test to prove to your 6th grade self you are super smart. I’LL HAVE A COLLEGE DEGREE! STOP BELITTLING ME WITH STUPID PUZZLES THAT FILTER ME OUT BEFORE I CAN EVEN BE CONSIDERED. Large companies like this deserve to suffer.

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