
Placed on the very public “wall of shame call outs list” for calling out the day my dog died.

My work places in the staff break room a list of everyone who calls out for the month to “hold employees accountable” due to staff complaints to management of being understaffed. When I spoke to management asking for them to please reconsider adding me to the list and the sensitivity of the nature, losing a family member, I was told this was an unexcused absence and that I had to be on the list. I provided a final bill for the vet ICU including the date and time which matched my call out day/shift time. Was told it’s to keep everything fair no matter a verifiable excuse. If they allow me a pass, everyone else will want one too. Am I overthinking this? Overreacting? I’m obviously disgusted with this horrible moral of team “unbuilding”. Just ugh. I have never called out before. I work in health care. Update: I was…

My work places in the staff break room a list of everyone who calls out for the month to “hold employees accountable” due to staff complaints to management of being understaffed. When I spoke to management asking for them to please reconsider adding me to the list and the sensitivity of the nature, losing a family member, I was told this was an unexcused absence and that I had to be on the list. I provided a final bill for the vet ICU including the date and time which matched my call out day/shift time. Was told it’s to keep everything fair no matter a verifiable excuse. If they allow me a pass, everyone else will want one too. Am I overthinking this? Overreacting? I’m obviously disgusted with this horrible moral of team “unbuilding”. Just ugh. I have never called out before. I work in health care.

Update: I was just asked to pick up a shift on my regular scheduled day off, to “make up the day you called out”. I’m completely overwhelmed and still grieving. They want me to come to work in 2 hours as an immediate fill in. I have not and will not respond. After ignoring 2 phone calls, and 1 text message, I’m about to pour a glass of the strongest whiskey I can find.

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