
Planning on putting in a month’s notice this Monday at a job I love with management that I can’t stand. Any advice on how to deal with retaliation?

So I plan to give a one month notice this upcoming Monday for a job I have really come to care about, but I cannot stand management any longer. I care about everyone and everything about this job, but the management aspect. Overall, there's been a lack of empathy and borderline illegal intimidation tactics when it comes to management. Including several worker's rights violations. I was recently offered a position in the same field, with a lot more benefits who are willing to salary match. Because I care so much about the people at my work, I want to offer a month's notice to quit, particularly as the busy season starts very soon. I want to hopefully help onboard the next candidate if selected prior to my departure. I have plans to develop a basic handbook for my position and prepare our clients for when I leave. None of was…

So I plan to give a one month notice this upcoming Monday for a job I have really come to care about, but I cannot stand management any longer. I care about everyone and everything about this job, but the management aspect. Overall, there's been a lack of empathy and borderline illegal intimidation tactics when it comes to management. Including several worker's rights violations. I was recently offered a position in the same field, with a lot more benefits who are willing to salary match. Because I care so much about the people at my work, I want to offer a month's notice to quit, particularly as the busy season starts very soon. I want to hopefully help onboard the next candidate if selected prior to my departure. I have plans to develop a basic handbook for my position and prepare our clients for when I leave. None of was done when I was first hired.

However, my boss has a history of retaliation and bitterness to employees who quit. Everyone who has left the organization since I have been there has cited management as a reason for leaving. Because management has been so deep-rooted in the organization, no actual action has been done to correct any of the complaints brought up. I am fearful that my boss will retaliate against me during my final weeks. Although the employee handbook only specifies that 10 working-days notice is needed to be eligible for any vacation time to be paid out, I genuinely want to stay on longer to help all my other coworkers with the transition. Ever since the last employee left, several staff members have said things along the lines of “Oh, [BiscottiFrog], I really hope you stay here for a long time, you are the future of the organization.” and even my boss has asked several times, “You're not leaving anytime soon, right?”

I know that despite the mistreatment, my boss feels like they've invested a lot of time and resources into my development as an employee. I truly am grateful for the opportunity to work here, as my field is really competitive, and this was my first full-time job out of college. I know my departure is going to hit them out-of-the-blue, and really mess up plans for our small core staff of eight people. Any advice on how I should handle my boss's likely angry response? Is there anything else I can do to not burn a bridge at a place I truly love, but just cannot stand to work at anymore?

TLDR: I am quitting well-loved job I have had for several years, but I have a boss who will take it personal and is unprofessional with people who quit. How do I handle the anticipated backlash from management while trying to support my other coworkers for the next few weeks?

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