
Planning when I should put in my 2 weeks resignation.

I have a new job lined up already. I start in about a month. I'm just pondering when I want to crush my management's soul with my email. I'm not gonna admit that I am the best employee, but I know for a fact that I'm pretty good at what I do compared to the rest of my colleagues. Management knows. My colleagues know that as well, and they have told me that they'd nominate me for the best employee award if it came down to that. But we have too many concerns and issues on our floor that has been escalated to management. Yet management does not even bat an eye at trying to resolve those issues. They're literally concerns that affect direct customer care. Like most other jobs, we are overworked, understaffed, and micromanaged. I want the best for my colleagues, but I want this company to go…

I have a new job lined up already. I start in about a month. I'm just pondering when I want to crush my management's soul with my email. I'm not gonna admit that I am the best employee, but I know for a fact that I'm pretty good at what I do compared to the rest of my colleagues. Management knows. My colleagues know that as well, and they have told me that they'd nominate me for the best employee award if it came down to that.

But we have too many concerns and issues on our floor that has been escalated to management. Yet management does not even bat an eye at trying to resolve those issues. They're literally concerns that affect direct customer care. Like most other jobs, we are overworked, understaffed, and micromanaged.

I want the best for my colleagues, but I want this company to go to hell. Turnover rates have been pretty high. Two resignations in the last two months. No new hires to replace the ones that left because we are under budget. The two that left weren't the strongest employees on the floor so we've seemed to manage. Barely, but still made it out of there alive every night. Depressed and burnt out, but alive.

A few of my colleagues have admitted that when I leave, the company will take a huge loss. And I will admit that myself, because ultimately it is true. I have been in the shadows as a backbone to the floor. Once I leave, all hell breaks loose.

But I'm gonna do it and I'm gonna do it in the most gruesome way because they deserve it. My voice was never heard despite them trying to reassure me that my concerns will be addressed.

I have a set date as to when my last day will be. A part of me wants to send out that letter now (it would be a 3 weeks notice) and just watch the terror on their faces as I spend my last few weeks doing the bare minimum. Or wait until the very last minute and leave them drowning.

I know they will want to keep my somehow without addressing my concerns, but it's a hard no.

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