
Please reply to my texts

My dude, this company (that you just started working for and I have been with for several years) pays me 12 hourly plus tips to bartend.. I know they pay the new hires 16 to work breakfast. I know I’ve been picking up some of those breakfast shifts at my 12 dollar rate (which GM has told me they can’t give me a raise or a separate clock in at a different rate ) to help you out and train properly, so our health code score doesn’t go down; which would affect my money. I have been advising you, I have been helping with the ordering as requested, I have been doing you guys favor after favor but somehow you STILL need to be upset with me on my day off because I answered your phone call BUT it had been ten entire whole minutes since you texted (!the horror!)…

My dude, this company (that you just started working for and I have been with for several years) pays me 12 hourly plus tips to bartend.. I know they pay the new hires 16 to work breakfast. I know I’ve been picking up some of those breakfast shifts at my 12 dollar rate (which GM has told me they can’t give me a raise or a separate clock in at a different rate ) to help you out and train properly, so our health code score doesn’t go down; which would affect my money. I have been advising you, I have been helping with the ordering as requested, I have been doing you guys favor after favor but somehow you STILL need to be upset with me on my day off because I answered your phone call BUT it had been ten entire whole minutes since you texted (!the horror!) so somehow I’m NoT ReSpOnDiNg to TeXt

I’m kinda triggered by this, I guess, I had an abusive manager who would always flip her shit if I wasn’t immediately available by phone at all times. I’ve always been hourly so that was obviously bullshit. I was gonna order some wine today for the bar since I didn’t get a chance yesterday while I was on the clock but I guess we’ll just run out. It’s really a good job and I make good money but how common is it for management to think they have full access to you when you’re not working.? I’ve been here for years and I hate the idea of some new entitles asshat running me off from my job.

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