
Please work for free, im your father.

So, thats my first post here. Please excuse my english, im not a native speaker. Please do not share this post anywhere, i would like it to remain here. I was allways a bit of my pushover, thanks to how my mother raised me. I was born in a farmer's family and was pretty much expected to take over the farm eventually. I never complained, because good kids dont cause problems and you do as you are told, right? So i worked for the last 8 years on the farm, i learned the job and two years ago i startet a school to be able to take over soon. Being a farmer comes with a lot of additional work and you have to work late or more than expected often. I never complained, because that is just how it is in the buisness. And im not good with conflict. A…

So, thats my first post here.
Please excuse my english, im not a native speaker.
Please do not share this post anywhere, i would like it to remain here.
I was allways a bit of my pushover, thanks to how my mother raised me. I was born in a farmer's family and was pretty much expected to take over the farm eventually. I never complained, because good kids dont cause problems and you do as you are told, right?
So i worked for the last 8 years on the farm, i learned the job and two years ago i startet a school to be able to take over soon. Being a farmer comes with a lot of additional work and you have to work late or more than expected often. I never complained, because that is just how it is in the buisness. And im not good with conflict.
A year ago the economy went south, and the farm had to be sized down, so it can only sustain one wage now, and my father can't pay me anymore. So my life as a farmer came to an end. I was sad, but also very relieved, because for the first time it seemed like i could do my own thing.
So i made an agreement with my dad. I would work every two weekends a bit on the farm, so he can take a brake and i could live for free. Ist an agreement that was clean, and left no room for Interpretation. We are now 2 weeks in, and today he asked me if i could cover for him on an extra weekend. Yes, its not much, just one evening, but i have school, and plans, so i have to work around a little bit. Then when, everything was done, i asked him how much he would pay me, and stated a price that was expected from a farmer that just finished his labourschool (?) so, really not much, and he scoffed and told me i would live here for almost nothing. Then it went a bit back and forth and we settled on terms that he covers for me on another weekend. Im fine with that, but i really hated his response, and that my freetime isnt worth paying for it seems. Yes it may be a bit much to ask for pay when its just two evenings, but on the other hand: where will it stop?

If i had more time, i would have written a shorter letter, so sorry if it seems a bit pointles, i just wanted to tell it to someone because it's the forst time i stood up for myself like that, and i hope it goes better from now on. Thanks for reading my little story.

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