
Policy should apply to everyone or it shouldn’t be policy…

I’m so tired of these inconsistencies in my workplace… if a policy can be ignored or an exception can be made then it shouldn’t be a policy. Management should not be allowed to hide infractions or only enforce things when they want to. I’ve gone from being one of the top workers to being passed over for a promotion because management has begun to “enforce” policies that none of us have heard of but are still “in the handbook.” I’m so tired of these games and of rules that are seemingly made up on the fly.

I’m so tired of these inconsistencies in my workplace… if a policy can be ignored or an exception can be made then it shouldn’t be a policy.

Management should not be allowed to hide infractions or only enforce things when they want to.

I’ve gone from being one of the top workers to being passed over for a promotion because management has begun to “enforce” policies that none of us have heard of but are still “in the handbook.”

I’m so tired of these games and of rules that are seemingly made up on the fly.

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