
Poor dumbass Kevin

Thinking about Kevin at my job. Nice guy. Hard worker. Smart but not wise. He always has some new idea or project he wants to initiate that will help the company. We are peers. We make the same money. He has been here 8 years and moved up only once and that was 6 years ago. Nobody has been promoted in years. The department is shrinking. And yet Kevin shows up five minutes early every day with a pressed shirt. He still believes that any day now, being a goofy bootlicker will pay off while everyone else has either quit, stopped trying, or is actively on the job hunt because they can’t afford to just leave. He will work here for the rest of his life. He is a perfectly obedient little worker bee. Don’t be like Kevin.

Thinking about Kevin at my job. Nice guy. Hard worker. Smart but not wise. He always has some new idea or project he wants to initiate that will help the company. We are peers. We make the same money. He has been here 8 years and moved up only once and that was 6 years ago. Nobody has been promoted in years. The department is shrinking. And yet Kevin shows up five minutes early every day with a pressed shirt. He still believes that any day now, being a goofy bootlicker will pay off while everyone else has either quit, stopped trying, or is actively on the job hunt because they can’t afford to just leave. He will work here for the rest of his life. He is a perfectly obedient little worker bee.

Don’t be like Kevin.

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