
Possible wage theft and retaliation

This is something my partner is experiencing. Her boss's boss recently pulled her in to a meeting and “causally” mentioned a protected status (medical condition) declaring that they where aware of it. This condition is not something my partner has publicly disclosed beyond HR. My partner has had a really rocky relationship with this mid level manager for the past 6 months or so. Of late it has really gone off the rails. Trying to limit restroom breaks. Walking around cubicles trying to find you doing anything but work. Calling going to the time clock 1 minute before the hour time theft (never mind time rounds 7 minutes). I could write a novella explaining the full situation, but no one's got time to read that. ​ On to the meat and potatoes: My partner was taking her 15 min break to do something personal. She lost track of time (see…

This is something my partner is experiencing. Her boss's boss recently pulled her in to a meeting and “causally” mentioned a protected status (medical condition) declaring that they where aware of it. This condition is not something my partner has publicly disclosed beyond HR. My partner has had a really rocky relationship with this mid level manager for the past 6 months or so. Of late it has really gone off the rails. Trying to limit restroom breaks. Walking around cubicles trying to find you doing anything but work. Calling going to the time clock 1 minute before the hour time theft (never mind time rounds 7 minutes). I could write a novella explaining the full situation, but no one's got time to read that.

On to the meat and potatoes:

My partner was taking her 15 min break to do something personal. She lost track of time (see medical condition above). She was called in to boss's office and advised they clocked her out for 30 minutes. Her work was caught up, and she is not responsible for staying busy they need to give her work to do. She has submitted a complaint to the labor board. This entire situation just blows my mind.

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