
Possibly getting fired for caring about my employees

I work as a manager in retail, and our store got robbed this past Sunday, taking a bunch of clothes and running. Now it’s company policy to simply let it happen, stand back, do not engage, do not pursue. One of the girls working at the time took off after them into the parking lot, and even though I tried to stop her, I couldn’t, and ended up walking out the door to try and get her to come back (note I did not run after the robbers). I did all the right steps of contacting who needed to be contacted, and thought that was mostly the end of it. Well today, I get pretty much interrogated about the incident, why I left the building, etc. I admit I completely botched the interrogation, but now I’m faced with possible termination over stepping out of the building because my employee ran…

I work as a manager in retail, and our store got robbed this past Sunday, taking a bunch of clothes and running. Now it’s company policy to simply let it happen, stand back, do not engage, do not pursue. One of the girls working at the time took off after them into the parking lot, and even though I tried to stop her, I couldn’t, and ended up walking out the door to try and get her to come back (note I did not run after the robbers). I did all the right steps of contacting who needed to be contacted, and thought that was mostly the end of it.

Well today, I get pretty much interrogated about the incident, why I left the building, etc. I admit I completely botched the interrogation, but now I’m faced with possible termination over stepping out of the building because my employee ran out.

I’m pretty sure, I don’t have any recourse if I do get fired, but it just goes to show doing the right thing is the right answer, and companies really don’t care about employees at all.

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