
Possibly going to get fired for “appearance and grooming”… due to a stain on my skin

Literally don't know where else to go but I work nights shift at a hotel. When I first got hired I had multiple facial piercings in ans a funky way of dressing and doing my hair. They originally wanted me to be clean cut but after some back and forth they've let me keep my piercings in so as long as I dress business casual. Fair. So I wear plain button ups and pencil skirts with tights. No biggie. At one point I had dyed my hair (black) and the dye I used changed their formula so it stained my skin like CRAZY. I soaked my hands in hot water for almost 20 minutes, tried dish soap, tried rubbing alcohol. Still stained. Whatever. I go into work and a girl that had recently been promoted to manager (1 month ago) saw and was like oh! Can you get that off…

Literally don't know where else to go but I work nights shift at a hotel. When I first got hired I had multiple facial piercings in ans a funky way of dressing and doing my hair. They originally wanted me to be clean cut but after some back and forth they've let me keep my piercings in so as long as I dress business casual. Fair. So I wear plain button ups and pencil skirts with tights. No biggie. At one point I had dyed my hair (black) and the dye I used changed their formula so it stained my skin like CRAZY. I soaked my hands in hot water for almost 20 minutes, tried dish soap, tried rubbing alcohol. Still stained. Whatever. I go into work and a girl that had recently been promoted to manager (1 month ago) saw and was like oh! Can you get that off your skin? And I said no and demonstrated using hand sanitizer to show that it was deeply stained. We kinda laughed it off and she was like ok well next time don't do that before work. Fair.

That was about 2 weeks ago and today in my email I see I'm being called in for a performance review meeting. And attached is a FINAL WARNING (meaning any further action is termination) due to violating dress code. The only infraction that's listed under “examples of violation”?
Hair dye stains on hands and arms.

The email discussed “how they're going to proceed further with my employment”.. I'm literally gagged. I can't believe this. This is the only time I've ever gotten a warning here, verbal or written. I almost feel like crying. A final warning over accidental dye stains that I can't remove? Plus I work night shift!! No one barely sees me. I'm at a loss over what to do. I looked over the handbook and it does say we have to be well groomed but I've never called out, barely ever late, always do the work before it's due and I get great reviews from guests. I'm actually heartbroken. I work a position that no one wants to work. Has something like this happened to anyone else? What do I do?

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